Jason Tracy
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Latest activity by Jason Tracy-
Jason Tracy created a post, All day GOES images on Apple TV
I've recently added an Apple TV to my home office, and when I'm not watching news & there isn't an active weather event in my area, I'd love to be able to have the GOES-East True Color RGB loop run...
Jason Tracy commented, Here is the link to the app I saw. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/car-play-weather-navigation/id1673731295I'm surprised "byss mobile" got an Apple invite, I've never heard of them before now. Honest...
Jason Tracy created a post, Apple CarPlay support
There is another radar app on the Apple App Store that has the ability to show radar data on your car's screen using CarPlay.If I'm having to pay to buy that one, RadarScope is less useful & I'm le...