Apple CarPlay support
There is another radar app on the Apple App Store that has the ability to show radar data on your car's screen using CarPlay.
If I'm having to pay to buy that one, RadarScope is less useful & I'm less likely to keep paying for the Pro Tier 2 Radar Scope.
Jason Tracy - I've recently learned my last comment wasn't completely accurate, as Apple recently changed how the process works. Developers can submit applications to Apple for their app to be approved for CarPlay support. We actually did submit an application for RadarScope, but unfortunately were rejected by Apple. They stated to us that only app's with a primary purpose of navigation are accepted. While RadarScope offers a GPS tracker and a mapbox layer, this is not enough to qualify for CarPlay.
Hi Jason Tracy,
I'm not sure of what other radar based apps are currently available for Apple CarPlay. At this time, RadarScope is not available via CarPlay. I don't think most people are aware of this, but CarPlay support is only available via invite-only from Apple. If invited though, it's certainly something we would consider!
Here is the link to the app I saw.
I'm surprised "byss mobile" got an Apple invite, I've never heard of them before now. Honestly, the more I look at it, the more scammy it appears.
Thanks for the background information on Apple's policy with CarPlay, and your willingness to explore it.
I'd like to second this request. Here is another weather radar app with CarPlay support:
Weather on the Way on the App Store (
The developer describes his experience a bit here:
(1) Apple has finally allowed Weather Radar on CarPlay for my road trip app, Weather on the Way. Thanks to Reddit, it reached #3 in Weather charts. : apple
Would love to see CarPlay support added!
I think the whole reason that Weather on the go was accepted is because like they said they want “navigation implemented” is there a way you could make a version called Radar Scope CarPlay and overlay a Apple Maps or Googlemaps? And make it’s have navigation? That would honestly be helpful as well and they would accept it most likely. I really don’t understand apple on this one anyway because why not allow apps while in park only like Netflix and Hulu etc 🤦🏻♂️. Just odd to me. But anyway, consider my suggestion. It would be nice to have a hi res radar like that with navigation inside it as well.
Likewise. I often drive long distances in Florida and would very much appreciate a car play enabled radar scope. I think this is worth pursuing, as there may be many others in the same situation.
Hi RadarScope Devs. I'm a SkyWarn spotter and storm chaser. So having RadarScope work via CarPlay would be very helpful. Do you have an update on this?
I totally agree Lyah! This is also the reason why I would like it! If I can view my GPS map while driving, why not the radar. It should just have a disclaimer that it’s not advised you view this while driving and if you do it could result in an accident. Blah blah blah legal jargon. But as a fellow Skywarn spotter this would be much safer than looking at a computer or phone while driving.
I am not a storm chaser, just a regular person. But driving in Florida, I find myself subject to sporadic, extremely heavy rain and flash flooding. I have flooded one engine because of this. I really wish radar scope had this capability to display on apple car play.
Totally valid! Yeah, Florida rains are indeed different. The majority of traffic accidents I’ve witnessed in Florida are due to this exact thing.
I have been using Radarscope for many years. I travel a lot and there are many places where I really want / need to see the level of data that is in Radarscope overlaid with the highways. In the mountains where snow storms may be heavy. Across the plains, in FL, in TX or others where heavy rain / hail can impact safety. If I'd had a bit of warning coming across TX I could have avoided the hail storm and damage to my car by just stopping at a rest area for a few minutes while the storm crossed in front of me for example. This is especially valuable for truckers and RVs.
The best would be to have Radarscope available as an overlay on Google or Waze. But the level of detail in the other map / wx radar apps for Carplay are almost useless. Suggested approaches:
1. Put a basic travel travel map function in Radarscope
2. Partner with one of the other simple map providers to have Radarscope as an overlay. Should increase their market and competitiveness and share the fees.
3. Partner with one of the audio app companies like Sirius XM or with someone like AAA who has a Carplay app.
Good luck guys. Really hope you pull this off.
So how do we tell Apple that they are depriving us of an amazing app with their narrow scope of an app being primarily for navigation? As many have noted on here already, while not primarily a navigation tool, it certainly lends itself to the SAFETY of navigation being able to see storms in our path, whether you're chasing them or more likely trying to prevent driving through a storm that will dimple your vehicle like a golf ball. I've been using the "Find My Location" button for years and watching my progress near areas of concern on a moving map as a drive.
Looking into this issue, I now have a deeper understanding as to why there is no app available for viewing weather. I feel Apple's strict guidelines are the cause for this vacancy, primarily because Apple does not offer a category that a weather app fits in.
Audio, Communication, Driving Tasks, EV Charging, Fueling, Parking, Navigation, and Quick Food Ordering.
I myself wish there was an Apple CarPlay option for RadarScope but I understand why this is so challenging.
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