Advanced Settings

iOS Android macOS Windows

Advanced settings are accessible via the settings button in the toolbar. Tap the settings button, select the Settings tab, then scroll down to reveal the Advanced section.


Report Location - Spotter Network members can use RadarScope to report their location for inclusion in the spotter location feed. You must be logged into a Spotter Network that has permission to report a location for this feature to be available. When the Report Location setting is enabled and you enable location tracking via the Location button in the toolbar, your location will be reported to Spotter Network about every two minutes. The location feed itself is also refreshed every two minutes, so it may take a few minutes before your location shows up in the feed. Note that RadarScope only reports location when it’s the active foreground app. It doesn’t monitor or report your location in the background.

Disable Auto-Lock - The iOS Settings app lets you specify a period of inactivity before your device sleeps. In some cases, it may be desirable to disable sleep when RadarScope is open. Use the Disable Auto-Lock feature to prevent the device from sleeping while RadarScope is open. When RadarScope is not active, or when Disable Auto-Lock is not turned on, your device will honor the setting in the iOS Settings app instead.

Use Default Share Text - When sharing images to social media, RadarScope provides boilerplate text that includes the radar ID, product, and time. Disable this feature if you don’t wish RadarScope to automatically fill in that text by default.

RadarScope TV Mirroring - RadarScope supports two modes of mirroring to an external device. The traditional mode mirrors the full screen of your iOS device in its current orientation and with all of the menus, buttons, and other controls. When RadarScope TV Mirroring is enabled, RadarScope instead uses the full resolution of the external display for the radar image without showing the UI controls. When in this mode, the map on your device may be letter-boxed to indicate the visible area of the map on the external display.

Auto Radar Selection - When Auto Radar Selection is enabled, the nearest radar will be automatically selected whenever you enable location tracking and as your location changes. Most of the time this is a good thing, since you’ll want to view the data from the nearest radar. In some cases, the nearest radar may be blocked by terrain or other ground clutter. In those cases, you may want to disable this feature.

Show TDWRs - When enabled, you will be able to view data from Terminal Doppler Weather Radar sites in RadarScope. These radars are off by default because TDWRs require special considerations when interpreting their data. They’re optimized for specific applications in support of airports and aviation, and it’s important to understand their strengths and limitations. Please use caution when viewing TDWR data.

Show Research Radars - When Show Research Radars is enabled, you’ll be able to view data from a handful of research radars in the U.S. These radars are designed for research, testing, and education purposes. They may have different characteristics than standard operational radars and may not operate consistently. Please use caution when interpreted data from these radars.

Use Metric Units - When Use Metric Units is enabled, RadarScope will display most products and distances in metric units.

International Products - RadarScope feeds include warnings, watches, and special weather statements for Canada, and warnings for Australia. Select this to choose the desired countries or limit these products to the countries of interest.

Radar Loop Speed - Control the speed of animated radar loops using this slider. Drag to the left for a slower frame rate, or to the right to make it faster.

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