Weather Bulletins

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The badge in the top left corner of the screen indicates status of the warnings, watches, special weather statements, mesoscale discussions, and storm report feeds. If any active warnings are present in the warnings feed, the badge will appear as a red circle with the number of active warnings inside. If there are active watches but no warnings, the badge will be orange and the count will indicate the number of watches. If there are active special weather statements but no warnings or watches, the badge will be light yellow and the count will indicate the number of special weather statements. If there are active mesoscale discussions but no warnings, watches, or special weather statements, the badge will be blue and the count will indicate the number of discussions. Finally if there are active mPING, spotter, or local storm reports but no warnings, watches, special weather statements, or mesoscale discussions, the badge will be gray and the count will indicate the number of reports.

Also note that the badge only displays for a particular type of product when its corresponding layer is enabled on the map. If the flash flood warnings layer is disabled the badge count won’t include flash flood warnings; if tornado watches are disabled, the badge count won’t include tornado watches, and so forth.

When the badge is visible, tapping it reveals a view listing all available feeds as well as lists of all available radars, favorite radars, and your custom locations.


Warnings - The warnings layer displays warning polygons for tornado (red), severe thunderstorm (yellow), flash flood (green), special marine (orange), and snow squall (light blue) warnings issued by the U.S. National Weather Service, Environment Canada, and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Warnings are displayed for the entire United States, Canada, and Australia, but are not currently available elsewhere. Warnings are refreshed once a minute. When warnings are enabled, tap the filter button next to the on/off switch to select the types of warnings you wish to display.

Watches - The watches layer displays tornado (dark red) and severe thunderstorm (dark yellow) watch polygons issued by NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center and Environment Canada. Watches are displayed for the entire United States and Canada, but are not currently available elsewhere. Watches are refreshed once a minute. When watches are enabled, tap the filter button next to the on/off switch to select the types of warnings you wish to display. Watches are available via a RadarScope Pro Tier One subscription or an AllisonHouse data plan.

Statements - The statements layer displays special weather statements issued by the U.S. National Weather Service and Environment Canada. They are issued for hazards that have not yet reached warning or advisory status or that don't have a specific code of their own. Special weather statements are available via a RadarScope Pro Tier Two subscription or an AllisonHouse data plan. Special weather statements cover the United States and Canada.

Discussions - The discussions layer displays mesoscale convective discussions issued by NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center. They provide short-term technical weather forecasts concerning potential thunderstorms, high winds, and tornadoes. Mesoscale discussions are available via a RadarScope Pro Tier Two subscription or an AllisonHouse data plan. Mesoscale discussions cover the United States.

Local Storm Reports - The storm reports layer displays local storm reports received and disseminated by National Weather Service forecast offices. They are submitted by storm spotters, public safety officials, and others to report a wide variety of events including extreme temperatures, floods, high winds, hail, tornadoes, and more. Storm reports are available via a RadarScope Pro Tier Two subscription or an AllisonHouse data plan. Storm reports cover only the United States. When storm reports are enabled, tap the filter button next to the on/off switch to select the types of reports you wish to display.

Spotter Reports - The spotter reports layer displays severe weather reports submitted by trained storm spotters through the Spotter Network. They are used to report a range of weather events including, wind, floods, hail, and tornadoes. Spotter reports are available via a Spotter Network account. When spotter reports are enabled, tap the filter button next to the on/off switch to select the types of reports you wish to display.

mPING Reports - The mPING reports layer displays crowd-source weather reports that are collected and disseminated by the National Severe Storm Laboratory’s mPING project. They are used to report precipitation types and other weather events. When mPING reports are enabled, tap the filter button next to the on/off switch to select the types of reports you wish to display.

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